Meet The Cast
Analyn Hardy
Analyn is a marketer by day, much like her character, Taylor Jacobs. Taylor is a marketing coordinator turned centaur barbarian. Taylor’s pretty sure her work friends are her best friends and spends way too many hours at the office.
Marcel Hardy
Marcel discovered D&D during covid and has since started DMing his own homebrew campaign! He plays Richard Cox, a consultant halfling bard who always says it’s better to be lucky than to be good and it’s best to be both.
Katie is our resident horse girl (state champion equestrian) and plays Krystal of Krystal Klarity, a highly successful MLM for productivity enhancers and appetite suppressants *ew*. Katie is in HR, a professional photographer, and is not associated with any MLMs.
Alex Capps
Alex is our District Manager (Dungeon Master) and fearless leader at the table. Ossia is the realm where our adventure takes place, and he created it especially for OwnUp. A manufacturing engineer by day and a forever DM, his creativity never ceases to amaze us.
Tyler plays Bentley, a burned out IT professional who becomes a paladin when our adventurers find themselves in Ossia. Tyler is the reason Marcel & Analyn started playing D&D, he was their first DM! When Tyler is not playing a burnt out IT guy, he’s in school learning to be one. Bentley plays his cards close to his chest, but Tyler keeps us laughing.
Jimothy Styx is a sleep-deprived technical advisor with a criminal bent. He always keeps us on our toes! He’s played by Kyle, a sleep-deprived technician and hilarious improviser. On the weekends, Kyle is working on his project car, building it for speed not comfort.
Marjorie (Marjie)
Marjorie is another DM in the group, she’s playing D&D since covid and also plays in Marcel’s homebrew campaign. She plays Amy Anne Amanda, a newly-minted dentist and the invisalign that keeps the group straight.